Sunday, April 19, 2015


So. This blog could be going better. But it has been a productive silence.

I would show you, but I still hate my personal website. I'm rebuilding it again. With any luck, I'll stop picking at it long enough to upload some of my latest projects.

Freelancing is very much what I expected, and at the same time it has challenges that I didn't expect. I knew that I would get to set my own schedule, but I didn't know that my surroundings would totally interfere with my plans. Laundry, family, cats, groceries... Even with a room dedicated to work, I still miss the physical distance between work and home life created by going to an office.

On the other hand, I get to wear a tee shirt and yoga pants. Yoga pants are a definite bonus.

New logo for myself.
New sig! Yay identity!